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Cloning Compact Flash (CF) card for Amiga

25 December 2017

While being in the process of putting my A1000 with Vampire in production I was wondering how I can clone the Compact Flash (CF) card of my Vampireized A600.

The A600 is nicely set-up, has everything on it that I need. So I’d like to clone the CF card and put it into my A1000.

Certainly the screenmode settings have to be adjusted later, because the A1000 uses a 16:10 22“ display while the A600 has a 4:3 19” display attached. But that should not pose a problem at all.

It is possible on Linux or Mac to use the dd command to make a backup and restore it on another CF card.

Here is how to make a backup:
sudo dd if=/dev/disk5 of=~/Desktop/amiga.img bs=1m

disk5 is the device here. But it may be different for you. Open the harddisk tool on Mac or check with 'diskutil list' for your CF card device.

Finally, when you made the image you restore it on another CF card:
sudo dd if=~/Desktop/amiga.img of=/dev/disk5 bs=1m

And… hurray, it boots.

A1000 with Vampire
A1000 with Vampire
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